What Makes a Great Cane?

1. It Must Look Good!
Think about the ugly shirt that you don't ever wear. Same thing here; if you don't like your cane, you won't feel good when you go out with it.
2. A Grippy Foot Is A Necessity.
The foot of your cane must be designed for all-terrain and all-weather – wet, sand, mud, and snow. It can't be too big or too small. It's having to stay on the ground when the cane shaft is rocking and not lifting. It must have built vents that remove water and debris; otherwise, it will hydroplane, making you slip and fall.

3. Loaded Neutral Balancing.
When you put weight on the cane as you walk, crummy canes wobble in your hand in all directions. They don't have to do that. These could be better designs. You want a cane that gets more and more stable as you put more weight on the grip. This provides you with confidence and safety.
4. A Wide Forward-Facing, Comfy Grip.
Contrary to popular belief, you need more than skinny backward-facing grips. You want a forward-facing grip in the palm of your hand which is the most substantial part. Not at your fingertips. Slim grips are painful, and you cannot transfer significant weight to the cane. A comfortable wide grip is also helpful when sitting or standing, as you can put more weight on it. If the cane has a foam-covered shaft, that's even better because you can rip it anywhere you need to for assistance.

5. Vibration Dampening Technology.
When you walk in a while with a cane, the foot of the cane tips, the ground, and unbelievable 1700 times! All this pounding and vibration transfers through the shaft, into the grip, and then into your wrist and arm. Ouch. You want a cane with built-in dampening features – such as a thicker rubber footing, foam insulating padding, and aluminum construction.
6. Quality Construction And Lightweight.
When you decide to purchase a cane, this is a long-term investment. In my case, it became my best friend. So, you get used to it being there for you. It must be reliable, not squeak or rattle, and be lightweight. Foam padding also helps not break anything if you drop your cane on something fragile. Somewhere around 1 pound would be best, as you must carry it around with you.
Okay...Yes, All Scottie Canes Fit All These Parameters!
Yes…You’re supposed to have more than oneCane. We onlymakethree styles of ScottiesCanes.
Do you wear your dress shoes to the beach? Of course not. You need a cane for different purposes.
Sometimes you go for a walk in the park, and you don’t need so much support. This is a perfect fit for our Level One Vertical Cane – the StandUp Cane.
And then there are times where when you feel good, but you still need a cane. The Level Two Scottie Cane, has you covered!
And sometimes you don’t feel so well, and you need a lot of support. That requires a different cane. The Level Three Versa Cane is your best friend here.
If your cane does not make you confident to go anywhere, great – you have the wrong cane. Forward-Facing Scottie Canes are the best-performing, best-looking, lightweight canes ever made, made to exacting quality and specifications to last at a price that won’t break the bank.
You don’t go to the store telling yourself I’m going to go buy the crummiest cane possible. However, that’s probably the one you owe now.
How can I make such a bold statement?
Because after 19 surgeries, I spent more than my share of time on awful canes. I am a designer with an engineering background, and I invented the best cane ever. Why?
Because we all deserve better! We are worried so much about slipping, falling, insufficient balance, or terrible grips that hurt.
Scottie canes are better because what they do with a cane is supposed to do – which is, let you go back to living your life- if you have no problems. Go anywhere without people feeling sorry for you that you’re walking with a crummy cane that doesn’t support you properly. I was tired of people feeling sorry for me because I looked helpless and weak on crummy canes.
With your Scottie Cane, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. You will walk comfortably and confidently with the best-looking cane ever made that won’t disappoint you. I know because I use Scottie Canes, too, and will you or your loved ones need a cane smile again.